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Conocer - 464010

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They flattened themselves against the wall. He isn't here. He was peeved by what you said. Move on! Don't tell the boss. He found himself in a tight spot. Don't be a jackass!

Conocer Gente Traducir A - 227452

Otra muerte en la curva negra de Torrent

He sells radio sets. He didn't win the prize, but he came close to it. He was in good spirits. They arrived half an hour early.

Conocer Gente - 352762

What's that? Lo hago porque se me antoja. He does everything very quickly. This collar's too tight. You're aiming too low to hit the target. How much do you bet? I'm anxious to meet her. It's too far to walk.

20.02.2020 : 10:21

Que acaba de visitar la buena idea

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