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Regardless of the future course of this debate, the truth is that in Spain, to date, open advertising of prostitution and the impunity of buyers or applicants for these services have contributed to the standardization of the phenomenon, which is seen with widespread indifference by a good part of society, despite the denunciations of feminist movements.

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La prostitución desde la perspectiva de la demanda: amarres enunciativos para su conceptualización. Indeed, the advertising discourse, its content and the way of expressing it, help to illuminate the nature of the phenomenon of prostitution and the relationships that women and men have in and through it. Prostitución y trata.

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Starting, let us say that most Spanish newspapers defend the existence of this type of advertising, appealing not only to their economic importance for the sustainability of companies but also to freedom of expression. Please: no more pimp press Escolar, It explains, then, the impotence that transpires in the recent study Sexist stereotypes through advertising in the Mediterranean space, driven by the Network of Regulatory Institutions of the Mediterranean RIRM : Stereotypes reproduce attitudes and opinions perceived as the standard by society, where gender equality is far from being a reality. Revista Oñati Socio-legal Series.

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International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology, 1 1 Informe sobre las posibilidades de acto contra anuncios de contenido venéreo y prostitución publicados a anales en diversos medios de acceso de prensa escrita. In , his channel started becoming común in the Spanish-speaking countries. Submissive — Marta, Dominican, 21 years old. The appeals to the free market and freedom of expression newspaper publishers resort to do not absolve them of their deontological responsibility for getting profit from advertising that denigrates women in general and, especially, immigrant women, whose extreme vulnerability makes them easy victims of sexual exploitation. Similarly, it is striking that such a relevant initiative in many aspects like ethics and the deontological and self-regulatory code for non-sexist advertising and communication in Euskadi, signed in February by 51 average and advertising agencies, does not include any reference to sexual-content advertising, although it includes the commitment to work for equality between women and men, the elimination of violence against women and the disappearance of stereotypes.

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